一個優秀的記者必須善於發掘新聞。A good reporter must be able to smell out a news story.他經常向學生推薦優秀的科普作品。He often recommends outstanding works on popular sciences to his students.一個優秀的譯本被成功地搬上了銀幕。A fine play has been superlatively translated to the screen.他將成為一個優秀的商人。He will be a good businessman.無可置疑,他是英格蘭最優秀的板球選手。He is unquestionably the best cricketer in England.他是當代最優秀的寫手。He is the best pen of the day.該國最優秀的科學家被其他國家吸引而外流。The best scientists of that country are being skimmed off by other countries.優秀的足球運動員會先人一著,令對手難以施展手腳。A good football player anticipates his opponent’s moves.他是位高手;他是個優秀的樂手。He"s a class player他那一代最優秀的歌曲作者之一。One of his generation"s finest songwriters.
excellent 拓展資料bonzer adj.卓越的;極好的;第一流的superexcellent adj.絕佳的;卓越的;優秀的;極好的surpassing vt.勝過;優於;超越;(surpass的現在分詞形式)preeminent adj.超群的;卓越的;優秀的excellent adj.極好的;優秀的;卓越的;傑出的outstanding adj.傑出的;出眾的;有待完成的;未解決的;突出的;顯著的;未償還的;未清賬的first-class 一流;頭等艙
一個優秀的記者必須善於發掘新聞。A good reporter must be able to smell out a news story.他經常向學生推薦優秀的科普作品。He often recommends outstanding works on popular sciences to his students.一個優秀的譯本被成功地搬上了銀幕。A fine play has been superlatively translated to the screen.他將成為一個優秀的商人。He will be a good businessman.無可置疑,他是英格蘭最優秀的板球選手。He is unquestionably the best cricketer in England.他是當代最優秀的寫手。He is the best pen of the day.該國最優秀的科學家被其他國家吸引而外流。The best scientists of that country are being skimmed off by other countries.優秀的足球運動員會先人一著,令對手難以施展手腳。A good football player anticipates his opponent’s moves.他是位高手;他是個優秀的樂手。He"s a class player他那一代最優秀的歌曲作者之一。One of his generation"s finest songwriters.