  • 1 # 因教益

    My dear cousins, I"m not a very talkative person, i have many to say to you in my heart,but have not been able to say it out, so i decided to find ways to translate this article into English for you.

    From childhood, we grew up together, which is my happiest and most precious memory. Although you went to the United States later, but this memory has not diminished. When I miss you, I will think of the days when we laughed together, songs you sang and so on. It would make me happy from the collection of you. This summer I really enjoyed myself very much, because seeing you moved me and made me feel that we are still the same as before. The only thing that makes me feel regrettable is that your brother is not in Guangzhou, and I can"t with you all day becouse of my works. Don"t be shy when facing your cousins. Remember the last time we chat on the net, you seemed afraid to see me. It made me sad for a long time, but that"s okay. Because I will get better soon. You have to remember, whether i get taller and thinner, or they get fat and ugly. I love you all the same. I will always work hard in China. I hope that one day when you come back to China, you will have a better time and live more comfortably,This is what I ask of myself. I always work with great care and enthusiasm when I think like this. Last but not least, I will not exert any pressure on your future,i will not force you to study hard and make a lot of money. I only wishe you a happy, healthy and safe life. This is my birthday wish every year. I"m not well educated, so he can"t type an article in English, so i asked others to help me with this translation. But don"t laugh at me, because I wrote this article very carefully. You have to remember that you still have a cousin in China. Come back and see me when you have time!

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