是這首歌吧!歌詞有:“禱告可以釋放屬天能力”《禱告歌》——徐池 禱告可以釋放屬天能力Prayer can release the ability of heaven禱告可以勝過仇敵詭計Prayer can beat the enemy禱告可以驅散黑暗勢力Prayer can disperse the darkness禱告可以釋放我的勇氣Prayer can release my courage禱告可以明白全備真理Prayer can understand all the truth 禱告可以攪動聖靈能力Prayer can stir the power of the Holy Spirit禱告可以堅固生命根基 Prayer can sturdy foundation of life 禱告可以完全看清自己Prayer can see oneself completely禱告可以解讀天國奧秘 Prayer can be interpreted the heavenly mystery禱告可以與主聖靈相遇Prayer can meet with the Holy Spirit禱告可以傾聽聖靈聲音Prayer can listen the voice of the holy spirit 禱告可以修復與主關係Prayer can repair the relationship with the Lord禱告可以釋放主的話語Prayer can release the word of the Lord禱告可以明白主的心意 Prayer can understand the mind of the lord禱告可以與主更加熟悉 Prayer can be more familiar with the Lord禱告可以與主相交甜密Prayer can sweet fellowship with the lord禱告可以讓愛永不止息Prayer can make love never fails
是這首歌吧!歌詞有:“禱告可以釋放屬天能力”《禱告歌》——徐池 禱告可以釋放屬天能力Prayer can release the ability of heaven禱告可以勝過仇敵詭計Prayer can beat the enemy禱告可以驅散黑暗勢力Prayer can disperse the darkness禱告可以釋放我的勇氣Prayer can release my courage禱告可以明白全備真理Prayer can understand all the truth 禱告可以攪動聖靈能力Prayer can stir the power of the Holy Spirit禱告可以堅固生命根基 Prayer can sturdy foundation of life 禱告可以完全看清自己Prayer can see oneself completely禱告可以解讀天國奧秘 Prayer can be interpreted the heavenly mystery禱告可以與主聖靈相遇Prayer can meet with the Holy Spirit禱告可以傾聽聖靈聲音Prayer can listen the voice of the holy spirit 禱告可以修復與主關係Prayer can repair the relationship with the Lord禱告可以釋放主的話語Prayer can release the word of the Lord禱告可以明白主的心意 Prayer can understand the mind of the lord禱告可以與主更加熟悉 Prayer can be more familiar with the Lord禱告可以與主相交甜密Prayer can sweet fellowship with the lord禱告可以讓愛永不止息Prayer can make love never fails