  • 1 # 一諾千金aaa

    Almost lover(戀人未滿)——A fine Frenzy

    Your fingertips against my skin 你的指尖輕滑過我的肌膚

    The palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase 棕櫚樹在風中翩翩起舞

    You sang me Spanish lullabies 你為我吟唱那西班牙搖籃曲

    The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的憂傷

    Clever trick 和那狡黠的惡作劇

    I never wanna see you unhappy 我不願看到你的哀傷

    I thought you want the same for me 我以為你也一樣

    Goodbye my almost lover 再見了,我無緣的愛人

    Goodbye my hopeless dream 再見了,我無望的夢想

    I"m trying not to think about you 我試著不再想你

    Can"t you just let me be? 請讓我獨自離去

    So long my luckless romance 再見了我不幸的愛

    My back is turned on you 我將轉身離去

    Should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak 早該知道你只能帶給我無盡的心傷 Almost lovers always do 無緣的愛人總是如此

    We walked along a crowded street 我們穿行在擁擠的街道

    You took my hand and danced with me In the shade 你拉住我的手在樹蔭下與你共舞

    And when you left you kissed my lips 當你離開時,你吻著我的唇

    You told me you"d never ever forget these images 說著你永不忘記這一幕

    I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永遠不願看見你不快樂的樣子

    I thought you"d want the same for me 我以為你也一樣

    Goodbye my almost lover 再見了,我無緣的愛人

    Goodbye my hopeless dream 再見了,我無望的夢想

    I"m trying not to think about you 我試著不再想你

    Can"t you just let me be? 請讓我獨自離去

    So long my luckless romance 再見了我不幸的愛

    My back is turned on you 我將轉身離去

    Should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak 早該知道你只能帶給我無盡的心傷

    Almost lovers always do 無緣的愛人總是如此

    I cannot go to the ocean 我再也無法回到昔日的海邊

    I cannot try the streets at night 我再也無法行駛在午夜的街道

    I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也無法在清晨醒來

    Without you on my mind 若你在我心中從此消失

    So you"re gonna and I"m haunted 但你離去我卻還留在原地

    And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好

    Did i make it that easy 而我是否能輕易的

    To walk right in and out of my life 讓你走入我的生命再離開

    Goodbye my almost lover 再見了,我無緣的愛人

    Goodbye my hopeless dream 再見了,我無望的夢想

    I"m trying not to think about you 我試著不再想你

    Can"t you just let me be? 請讓我獨自離去

    So long my luckless romance 再見了我不幸的愛

    My back is turned on you 我將轉身離去

    Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早該知道你只能帶給我無盡的心傷

    Almost lovers always do 無緣的愛人總是如此

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