  • 1 # pzyyo24296

    Dash, short for dashboard, is the new Ubuntu Start menu. Clicking the Ubuntu logo in the upper left-hand corner of the screen activates Dash. Instead of a simple drop-down or pop-up menu like you see in most operating systems, Ubuntu"s Dash is more of an overlay. When Dash is activated, the Launcher locks into place, goes dark, and a translucent dashboard takes up much of the screen.[dash, 面板的簡稱,是Ubuntu新版的啟動選單。點選螢幕左上角的Ubuntu圖示啟用dash。和你在大多數作業系統中見到的下拉、彈出選單不同,Ubuntu的dash不只是一個重複。當dash被啟用,啟動器鎖定的地方會變暗,一個半透明的面板佔據螢幕了的大部分空間Dash can be expanded to fill the entire screen by clicking the arrow in the bottom-right corner of the Dash overlay. Dash automatically opens in full view on netbook and (presumably) tablet-sized screens.[dash可以透過點選dash overlay 右下角的箭頭擴充整個螢幕。dash在上網本和平板螢幕上自動以全屏開啟。]Before we explain the components of Dash and exactly how they work, let"s take a look at Dash in action.[在我們解釋dash的各組建和它們是如何工作之前,讓我們看看動態的dash。注:youtube上的影片,下載不來就沒有下載了]

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