  • 1 # 你笑起來真好看話心理

    the little black dress 小黑裙 i"m here waiting in the dark 我在黑夜裡等待 my feelings won"t suppress 我的感情不可抑止 so blessed that i"m the one 所心我祈求我是 that you possess 你擁有的那個人 i wonder what they will say 我好奇他們會說什麼 when you take their breath away 當你將他們的呼吸奪去 in my arms you will lay 你將躺在我臂彎裡 when we are one 當我們融為一體 i know nothing else could 我知道沒有別的什麼可以 easilystand in our way 輕易阻礙我們 you may have gone astray 你也許會誤入歧途 but you know where i lay 但你知道我在那裡 and to me you will always return 我相信你一定會回來 and will never betray 一定不會食言 when you are with me 當你和我在一起 you feel so free 你覺得如此自由 you can be yourself and not 你能做你自己或別的 what they want to see 那些他們希望看到的 for everthing you dare 為了你敢做的任何事情 you reach out and be there 你在那裡伸出手 i know you have everthing ready to embark and to share 我知道你準備乾的所有的事情, 並願意分擔 when they look at me 當他們望著我 the truth i see 我看到事實 i"m without a guess 我沒有猜疑 the luckiest little black dress 幸運小黑裙 woo…

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