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      《One Way Ticket》  演唱:L.A. Guns  One Way Ticket--單程車票  mmmm oohhhh yeea yeea yeaah  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket to the blues.  Choo choo train  tuckin"" down the track  gotta travel on it  never comin"" back  ooh  ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.  Bye bye love  my babe is leavin"" me  now lonely tear drops are all that I can see.  Ooh  ooh  got a one way ticket to the blues  gonna take a trip to lonesome town  gonna stay at heartbreak hotel.  A fool such as I A fool such as I  There never was  I cry my tears away.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket to the blues.  Choo choo train  tuckin"" down the track  gotta travel on it  never comin"" back  ooh  ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.  Gotta go on  gotta truck on  got a one way ticket to the blues.  I gotta take a trip to lonesome town  gonna stay at heartbreak hotel  ooh  a fool such as I a fool such as I  there never was I cry my tears away.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket to the blues.  Choo choo train  tuckin"" down the track  gotta travel on it  never comin"" back  ooh yeah yeah yeah  ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.  Got my ticket...  there is no way you can deny it  I see that you""re oh so sad  中文歌詞(大意)  再會,再會,再會,再會。 再會,再會。再會,再會。  笛聲把人催, 已經把淚撒,  回首道別了, 火車就要開,  嗚…… 人間那有不散的宴席,  沒有別離,那會有相聚,沉痛再見了,  火車就要開, ***住悲哀,  祝你順風去, 在那未來的,  康莊大道, 就在前面等待著你,  別了愛人我為你祈禱, 雖然此去天涯路遙,  火車笛聲嘯, 我心哭泣了,  別把我忘掉, 別讓我心焦,  嗚……  我會等你早日把信到......。希望對你能有所幫助。

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