  • 1 # 城門樓蘭


    "We"re all mad here." -Cheshire Cat 我們全都瘋了

    "Curiouser and curiouser." -Alice 越奇越怪,越奇越怪。

    "Everything"s got a moral, if only you can find it." -The Duchess


    This quote comes from a conversation between Cheshire Cat and Alice. The grinning Cheshire Cat is giving directions to Alice and tells what sort of people live in each direction in the woods.Then he dis關了s as a matter of fact that:

    "We"re all mad here." -Cheshire Cat


    Alice eats a cake and expects something peculiar to happen to her. And finally her neck grows and grows so much that in the end she does not even see her own feet. Alice is so surprised that for a moment she forgets to speak good English and cries out:

    "Curiouser and curiouser." -Alice


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