  • 1 # 30秒到地球

    1 .There be 和 have / has 的意思都是“有”,但它們的用法不同。

    there be 句型表達的是“在某個地方存在某人、某物等”,

    have / has 則表示“某人擁有某物”。例如:

    There is a bag on the desk . There are some books in the bag .

    The boy has a big bag . I have some books in my bag .

    2 . 當主語為第三人稱單數時,使用 has ; 其他人稱作主語,則使用 have。例如:

    I have a red bike . We have a big house .

    He has a black car . My brother has a new ruler .

    3 . 使用 have 或 has 句子的否定或疑問式,分別用 do 和 does 構成。例如:We do not have any colour pens . She does not have a brother .

    Do you have a football ? Does Jack have an eraser ?

    4、在there be 句型中,主語是單數,be 動詞用is ; 主語是複數,be 動詞用are ;

    如有幾件物品,be 動詞根據最靠近be 動詞的那個名詞決定。

    there be 句型的否定句在be 動詞後加not , 一般疑問句把be 動詞調到句首。

    如 There isn"t any water in the bottle .

    Is there any water in the bottle ?



    there be沒生命,have,has有生命。

    桌子板凳沒生命,自然是用there be.




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