  • 1 # ygccghcc

    lily ,讀音: 英 ["lɪli] 美 ["lɪli]    n. 百合花;莉莉(女子名)adj. 純白的詞彙搭配1、lily of the valley [植] 鈴蘭2、arum lily 白星海芋3、as fair as a lily 美極了4、lily liver 膽怯,膽小常見句型1、Lilies have several varieties.百合花有若干個品種。2、The pond is dotted with water lilies.池塘裡點綴著睡蓮。3、Of all the flowers in the garden few can rival the lily.在花園的所有花卉中很少有花能與百合花媲美。擴充套件資料:近義詞:stainless , pure1、stainless英 ["steɪnlɪs] 美 [ˈsteɪnlɪs] adj. 不鏽的;純潔的,未被玷汙的;無瑕疵的例句:He wears a stainless white shirt today.他今天穿著一件潔白無汙的襯衫。2、pure英 [pjʊə(r)]     美 [pjʊr]    adj. 純的;純潔的;純粹的例句:The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal.她的眼神依舊清純,彷彿水晶般纖塵不染。

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