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    A Perfect Indian is he 他是完美的印第安人

    Remembering him life is sweet 只要回憶他生活變得甜蜜

    Like a weeping willow 他的臉像一枝垂柳

    His face on my pillow 輕陷我的枕頭裡

    Comes to me still in my dreams 仍時時在夢裡向我靠近

    And there I saw a young baby 我看見了一個小嬰兒

    A beautiful daughter was she 她是一個美麗的女兒

    A face from a painting 有著如畫如詩的臉

    Red cheeks and teeth aching 緋紅的臉頰和讓人心疼的小牙

    Her eyes like a wild Irish sea 她的雙眼如同狂野的愛爾蘭海洋

    On a table in her yellow dress 她穿著黃色的裙子坐在桌子上

    For a photograph feigned happiness 為了照相假裝出快樂

    Why in my life is that the only time 為什麼只在我一生中的這一刻

    That any of you will smile at me 你們才朝我微笑

    I"m sailing on this terrible ocean 我在這片痛苦的海洋中航行

    I"ve come for my self to retrieve 我是為了來尋回我自己

    Too long have I been feeling like Lir"s children 因為感覺自己像Lir的孩子已太久

    And there"s only one way to be free 現在只有一種方法可以獲得自由

    He"s shy and he speaks quietly 他很害羞,說話很安靜

    He"s gentle and he seems to me 他很溫柔,在我眼中

    Like the elf-arrow 像一支精靈的箭

    His face worn and harrowed 他的臉帶著疲憊和痛苦

    Is he a daydreamer like me 他是否也像我一樣是個愛做白日夢的人

    I"m sailing on this terrible ocean我在這片痛苦的海洋中航行

    I"ve come for my self to retrieve我是為了來尋回我自己

    Too long have I been feeling like Lir"s children因為感覺自己像Lir的孩子已太久

    And there"s only one way to be free現在只有一種方法可以獲得自由

    Sinead O"Connor 西尼德·奧康娜是90年代最有爭議的流行音樂巨星之一,她孤傲直率的言辭倔強的光頭把行頭直指在大眾心目中柔弱的女性形象。


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