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    if i were a boy even just for a day 哪怕僅僅只有一天,如果我是一個男孩,

    i"d roll out of bed in the morning 我會在清晨翻身下床,

    and throw on what i wanted and go 出門,並且想穿什麼就穿什麼。

    drink beer with the guys 和那群哥們兒大灌啤酒,

    and chase after girls 然後跟在女孩們屁股後頭。

    i"d kick it with who i wanted 追求我喜歡的那個妞兒,

    and i"d never get confronted for it 並且對誰都逢場作戲,

    "cause they stick up for me 否則她們會粘著我。

    if i were a boy 如果我是一個男孩,

    i think i could understand 我想我會明白,

    how it feels to love a girl 愛上一個女孩會是怎樣的感覺,

    i swear i"d be a better man 我會發誓我要做一個好男人。

    i"d listen to her 我會傾聽她的訴說,

    "cause i know how it hurts 因為我懂得那是怎樣的傷害:

    when you lose the one you wanted 當你失去你愛的人,

    "cause he"s taking you for granted 因為他把你的愛視為理所當然,

    and everything you had got destroyed 於是你曾得到的一切終於被破壞。

    if i were a boy 如果我是一個男孩,

    i would turn off my phone 我會掛掉我的電話,

    tell everyone it"s broken 告訴所有人它壞了,

    so they"d think that i was sleeping alone 然後讓他們覺得我獨自躺在床上做夢。

    i"d put myself first 我會把自己放在第一位,

    and make the rules as i go 特立獨行,按我的規矩走。

    "cause i know that she"d be faithful 因為我知道她的忠誠,

    waiting for me to come home, to come home 等著我回家,一直等著我。

    if i were a boy 如果我是一個男孩,

    i think i could understand 我想我會明白,

    how it feels to love a girl 愛上一個女孩會是怎樣的感覺,

    i swear i"d be a better man 我會發誓我要做一個好男人。

    i"d listen to her 我會傾聽她的訴說,

    "cause i know how it hurts 因為我懂得那是怎樣的傷害:

    when you lose the one you wanted 當你失去你愛的人,

    "cause he"s taking you for granted 因為他把你的愛視為理所當然,

    and everything you had got destroyed 於是你曾得到的一切終於被破壞。

    it"s a little too late for you to come back 太晚了,雖然現在你又想回來,

    say it"s just a mistake 輕描淡寫那只是出了一點點錯,

    think i"d forgive you like that 覺得我會像以往那樣原諒你?

    if you thought i would wait for you 如果你以為我會等下去,

    you thought wrong 你的想法大錯特錯。

    but you"re just a boy 可你只是個男孩,

    and you don"t understand, oh 所以你根本就不明白,

    how it feels to love a girl 愛上一個女孩會是怎樣的感覺,

    someday you wish you were a better man 然後有一天你希望自己能成為一個好男人。

    you don"t listen to her 你從不傾聽她的訴說,

    you don"t care how it hurts 你並不在乎她有多受傷,

    until you lose the one you wanted 直到你終於失去你的最愛,

    "cause you"re taking her for granted 只因為你把她的愛視為理所當然,

    and everything you had got destroyed 於是你曾得到的一切終於被破壞。

    but you"re just a boy 因為你只是個男孩。

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