  • 1 # 張全民超神156682

    1.Mother is as mad as all get out.母親氣瘋了。

    2. As soon as his father went out, the boy ran to the cinema.爸爸剛出門, 那男孩就跑向電影院。

    3. I wish I were as tall as you.但願我像你一樣高。

    4. I hope this year is as happy as the last.我希望您今年跟去年一樣快樂。

    5. You’re as good as gold!你表現得真好!

    6. I hope I will be as beautiful as my mother.我希望將來和我母親一樣漂亮。

    7. My granddaughter is as pretty as a little doll.我的孫女像小洋娃娃一樣漂亮.

    8. You are as pretty as a picture.你簡直像畫一樣美麗。

    9. The room is as hot as a stove.這屋子熱得像火爐一樣。

    10. His hand is as cold as ice.他的手和冰一樣冷。

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