  • 1 # 妄言唉



    The most important thing that we should do is to study hard.


    (2)被修飾的先行詞為all/ any/ much/ many/ everything/ anything/ none/the one等不定代詞時:

    Is there any thing that you want to buy?你有什麼東西要買嗎?

    (3)先行詞被the only/ the very/ the same/the last/ little/ few等詞修飾時:

    This is the same book that I lost.這就是我丟的那本書。


    I can remember the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.



    Which is the pen that belongs to you?哪支筆是你的?

    (5)主句是there be結構:

    There is a pen on the desk that belongs to Tom.桌子上那支筆是湯姆的。


    (1)先行詞為that/ those時:

    What’s that which is under the desk?在桌子底下的那些東西是什麼?


    This is the city in which he lives.這是他生活的城市。


    Tom passed the exam, which made us surprised.湯姆通過了考試,這使我們很驚訝。

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