  • 1 # 王小佳的慧慧

    1、Can you lend me a pound?你能借給我一英鎊嗎?

    2、What"s the pound in Chinese?中文裡的英鎊是多少?

    3、The book is only 13 pounds.這本書只要13磅。

    4、The old man bought a bicycle for a pound.那位老人花了一英鎊買了一輛腳踏車。

    5、If the euro collapses, Britain has the pound. 如果歐元崩潰,英國就有英鎊。

    6、But costs of building the farms have doubled due to spiralling prices for steel and the drop in the value of the pound. 但由於鋼鐵價格螺旋上升,以及英鎊貶值,建造農場的成本翻了一番。

    7、We add it in our salads, blend it into our cocktails and eat it by the pound. 我們把它加入我們的沙拉里,把它混合在我們的雞尾酒裡,然後用它來吃。

    8、You want your pound of flesh, you take it now. 你想要你的肉,你現在就吃。

    9、How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic?Do you lose your temper ?Pound on thesteering wheel?A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off. 如果車子拋錨了,你會如何感想?你會生氣嗎?你會否猛擊車上的鐵鍊?我的一個朋友就把鐵鍊弄下來!

    10、Drums started to pound, and the screens turned on as if by magic. 緊接著鼓聲震天,那些熒幕像變魔術般亮了起來。

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