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      歌曲原唱斯林·懷特曼。  斯林·懷特曼出生於華盛頓州。1948年發行了自己的第一首單曲《I"m Casting My Lasso Towards the Sky》,斯林·懷特曼的《Rose Marie》單曲也保持著在唱片排行榜上冠軍的最長的記錄,他的上一張唱片時2010年發行的《Twilight on the Trail》,當時他已經87歲。2013年6月19日,美國傳奇鄉村歌手Slim Whitman(斯林·懷特曼)因心臟衰竭去世,終年90歲。  歌曲歌詞:  From this valley they say you"re going,  I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile,  For they say you"re taking the sunshine,  That has brightened our path-way a while.  I"ve been thinking a long time my darling,  Of the sweet words you never would say.  Now at last must my fond hopes all vanished.  For they say you are going away.  Come and sit by my side if you love me,  Do not hasten to bid me adieu,  But remember the Red River Valley,  And the one who has loved you so true.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我這個人從小就很內向、很少說話,膽子也很小。從小到大隻有那麼幾個朋友,長大後都各奔東西導致身邊一個朋友也沒有,本來以為出來工作就不會孤獨了,但我一見到陌生人就連頭都不敢抬,更不用說交朋友了。怎麼辦呢?身邊連個說說話的人都沒有?