  • 1 # 闌珊fff

    concern [名詞]:

    1. 擔心

    to have concern for sb./sth. 擔心某人/某事物

    to give rise to concern 引起擔憂

    an expression or a look of concern 一副憂慮的表情

    a matter of/cause for concern 令人關切的事/引起關切的原因

    2. 令人關切的事物

    environmental/petty concerns 環境問題/微不足道的事物

    to be of concern to sb. 是某人關注的事物

    to have concern for sb./sth. 關心某人/某事物

    3. 私事

    that"s no concern of sb."s or none of sb."s concern 那不關某人的事

    4. 公司

    a going/paying concern 生意興隆/賺錢的公司

    concern [及物動詞]:

    1. 與…有關

    to whom it may concern 敬啟者

    as far as sb. is concerned 就某人而言

    the matter doesn"t concern you 這件事不關你的事

    all (those) concerned 所有(那些)相關人員

    as concerns sb./sth. 關於某人/某事物

    where sb./sth. is concerned 有關某人/某事物之處

    2. 擔憂

    the doctor was concerned by the new symptoms 醫生對出現的新症狀很擔憂

    3. 牽涉

    to be concerned with sth./sb. 關注

    to be concerned in 牽涉進

    to be concerned to do sth. 認為有必要做某事

    4. 關於

    to be concerned with sth./sb. 講述某事物/某人

    concerning [介詞] : 關於

    concerned [形容詞] : 不安的

    concernedly [副詞] : 掛念地;擔心地;憂慮地

    unconcern [名詞] : 冷漠;不關心;不感興趣

    unconcerned [形容詞] : 不感興趣的 ; 漠不關心的 ; 不擔心的

    unconcernedly [副詞] : 不擔心地,不在乎地,不感興趣地,漠不關心地,無關地,不相關地

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