  • 1 # 待退休老人

    help doing 和help to do的區別是釋義不同、用法不同等。

    1、釋義不同:help doing與can"t連用,意為忍不住/情不自禁去做某事;help to do 意為幫助、援助。

    2、用法不同:help (to) do sth實際上有時候to是省略掉的,用作help do sth。help + doing 是與can"t一起用的,用作can"t help doing sth。容易與can"t help doing混淆的是can"t help to do,譯為不能幫助做某事。


    (1)I can"t lift this box — will you help me please? 譯文:我舉不動這個箱子,請你幫我一下好嗎?

    (2)I couldn"t help crying.譯文:我忍不住哭了。

    (3)He can"t help to do housework,for he is busy. 他由於忙不能幫助幹家務。


    中古英語helpen< 古英語helpanvt, vi幫助,援助I can"t lift this box — will you help me please?我舉不動這個箱子,請你幫我一下好嗎?I can"t push the cart on my own--will somebody help assist me?"我一個人推不動這輛大車,誰能幫我一下?"With the help of the neighbours the fire was at last brought under control."在鄰里們的幫助下,火勢終於被控制住了。"促進;助長Trade helps the development of industry. 貿易促進工業的發展。It won"t help you to cry. 你哭也沒有用。避免;防止;阻止I couldn"t help crying. 我忍不住哭了。"Between astonishment and joy, she couldn"t help bursting into tears.""她驚喜交集,禁不住放聲大哭起來。"款待;讓人吃喝‘Can I have a drink?’ ‘Help yourself!’ “我可以喝一杯嗎?”“請隨意。”Help yourself to some fish. 請自己動手吃點魚吧。more than one can help 不必要的事,過分的事

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