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    for the first time在句中只能作狀語,the first time可作表語和主語

    I went there for the first time.(狀語)

    The first time i saw the film was last month.(主語)

    It is the first time I drink wine.(表語) for the first time 首次;第一次。表示有生以來或一段時間內第一次做某事,在句中一般單獨作狀語。例如: 

    1)The two girl students talked for the first time at the beginning of the term. 


    the first time 首次;第一次。常引導時間狀語從句,其重點不是講第一次做什麼,而是說明另一動作或情況;也可以作表語,強調到說話為止某一情況或動作的次數。例如: 

    2)I knew we would be good friends the first time I met her. 


    3)This is the first time I have been to the Great Wall. 


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