  • 1 # ikiek3712

    When a group of monkeys were playing in the forest, the blue monkeys looked up and saw the round and bright moon. They dreamed of owning it. So they whistled to call the group. They picked up the moon in the form of bamboo poles, but the bamboo poles grew again. The moon was still high。When yellow monkeys saw the reflection of the moon in the well water, they also whistled excitedly to call everyone. Blue monkeys scratched their heads to regenerate a plan. One after another, they pulled up the moon with inverted golden hooks.But when the moon was actually caught in the gourd ladle, they fought for who owns it. As a result, the gourd ladle fell to the ground and the moon "broke" into one piece, which really deserved "fishing for the moon in the water is empty".擴充套件資料昔有五百獼猴,遊行林中。俱至大樹下,樹下有井,井中有月影現.時獼猴主見是月影,語諸伴曰:"月今日死,落於井中,當共出之,莫令世間長夜暗冥。共作議言:云何能出?從前有五百隻獼猴,在林中游走。一起到大樹下.樹下有口井,井中有月影映現.這時獼猴的首領見此月影,對眾猴伴說道"月亮今日要淹死了,月亮落在井中,應當一同撈出它,不要讓世間的長夜變得黑暗。大家一起議論道:說說有什麼辦法能撈出它來?這時獼猴首領說:我知道撈出它的法子。我抓住樹枝,你抓住我尾巴。經過許多手腳相連線,就可以撈出它。這時眾獼猴,就按照首領的話,許多手腳相連線。樹脆弱枝折斷,所有的獼猴跌落井水中。

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