  • 1 # mgwpmgwp

    1、go straight on 是片語,意為“直走”“直接去”,“勇往直前”等意思.一般情況下go straight on+ 賓語Turn left at the next corner and go straight on.下一個拐角左轉然後直走。Go straight on untill you come to a shop.直走,直到一家商店為止。

    2、go straight down表“順著,沿著……往前走”,比如go straight down the road就是“沿著這條路往前走”She saw all her plans go down the tubes.看到她所有的計劃付之東流擴充套件資料All the way forward也有一直向前走的意思。1、堅持自己的選擇,一路向前。加油!Stick to my own choice, and struggle for it. 2、這個人一路向前掙扎的時候,腦子裡就是這樣想的。These were the thoughts of the man as he strove onward.

    3、他打起精神,一路向前走過那扇大門。He gathered strength and walked on through the gate.

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