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      中文:  一直努力工作這麼久  看起來像工資一直都是我唯一的朋友  我這樣做是脆弱的心是錯誤的  我想如果我曾經治癒了  哦就像所有的季節永遠不變  我能感覺到周圍的變化(哦)。  我要打破這些鐵鏈綁住我,幸福,就必尋見  把過去在我後面,我今天是生命的開始  一個全新的世界,這就是我正在為這個了  我知道我可以做,今天我生命的開始  今天我的生活——布魯諾火星的開始  你第一次節奏藍調,最大的來源  昨天已經來過  我已經學會了怎樣把它在哪兒  我知道我錯了  我能作的贏球  哦就像所有的季節永遠不變  我能感覺到周圍的變化(哦)。  我要打破這些鐵鏈綁住我,幸福,就必尋見  把過去在我後面,我今天是生命的開始  一個全新的世界,這就是我正在為這個了  我知道我可以做,今天我生命的開始  生命是短暫的,有些遺憾  所以我在學習現在必須將它留在過去,試圖忘卻  只有一條生命  所以你最好是最好的  我要打破這些鐵鏈綁住我,幸福,就必尋見  把過去在我後面,我今天是生命的開始  一個全新的世界,這就是我正在為這個了  我知道我可以做,今天我生命的開始  我要打破這些鐵鏈綁住我,幸福,就必尋見  把過去在我後面,我今天是生命的開始  一個全新的世界,這就是我正在為這個了  我知道我可以做,今天我生命的開始  今天我的生命的開始…  英文:  i"ve been working hard so long  seems like pay has been my only friend  my fragile heart"s been done so wrong  i wondered if i"d ever heal again  ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same  all around me i can feel a change (ohh)  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  i know i can make it, today my life begins  yesterday has come and gone  and i"ve learnt how to leave it where it is  and i see that i was wrong  for ever doubting i could win  ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same  all around me i can feel a change (ohh)  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  i know i can make it, today my life begins  life"s to short to have regrets  so i"m learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget  only have one life to live  so you better make the best of it  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  i know i can make it, today my life begins  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  i know i can make it, today my life begins  today my life begins...

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 趙雲有後代嗎?