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    one 用作替代詞主要用於替代“a+單數可數名詞”,表泛指;若需特指,則用 the one。如:

    A fast train is one that goes fast. 快車是一種行駛快的火車。

    The accident was similar to one that happened in 2008. 這個事故與發生在2008年的事故類似。

    Open the drawer on the left, the one with a key in it. 開啟左邊的抽屜,上面有鑰匙的那個。

    Here are six rings. Pick out the one you like best. 這裡有六枚戒指,選出你最喜歡的一枚。

    I want very much to see these films, especially the one you mentioned. 我很想看這些電影,特別是你提到的那一部。

    注:the one與that均可表特指,但前者只用於替代單數可數名詞,而後者則可用於替代可數或不可數名詞。

    Here are six rings. Pick out the one you like best. 這裡有六枚戒指,選出你最喜歡的一枚。


    代詞that, one, the one, it的用法區別

    ① that是特指,代替前面提到的不可數名詞或單數可數名詞。代指前面提及的同類而非同一物,其複數用those,後面一般有後置定語。

    The weather in Kunming is better than that in Wuhan.

    The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.

    ② one是泛指,指代前面提到的同類人或物(可數名詞)中的一個,其複數用ones,前面一般有定語。

    I bought five pencils for my children, two red ones and three green ones.

    This picture is the one that I drew yesterday.

    ④ it是特指,代替前面提到的那個特定的事物。

    I lost my dictionary yesterday. I haven"t find it so far.

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