  • 1 # 吃凍豆腐


    一般現在時:I water the flowers.The fowers are watered .

    現在進行時:I am watering the flowers.The flowers are being watered.

    一般過去時:I watered the flowers.The flowers were watered.

    過去進行時:I was watering the flowers by this time yesterday.The flowers were watered by this time yesterday.

    現在完成時:I have watered the flowers.The flowers have been watered.

    過去完成時:I had watered the flowers.The flowers had been watered.

    一般將來時:I shall(will) water the flowers.The flowers will be watered.

    將來進行時:I shall be watering the flowers tomorrow.The flowers will be watered tomorrow.

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