  • 1 # ianlm33777

    experimentingvi.做實驗,進行試驗(experiment的現在分詞形式) 雙語例句1. In 1857 Mendel started experimenting with peas in his monastery garden. 1857年,孟德爾開始在修道院的菜園裡用豌豆做實驗。2. The pupils are experimenting on frogs. 學生們正用青蛙做試驗.3. I enjoyed experimenting with colours— it took me back to being five years old. 我喜歡嘗試各種顏色——它使我感覺像是又回到了5歲的時候。4. In experimenting we find out that sound travels with different velocities through different substances. 在實驗中,我們發現聲音以不同的速度透過不同的物質而傳播.5. Scientists are experimenting to find ways to ensure the viability of seeds for even longer periods of time. 正如我們所說,科學家正在試驗努力尋找讓種子的生命力更加延長的方法。

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