  • 1 # 你親愛的龔姐姐

    My favorite actorJackie Chan,a well-known actor.He is my favorite actor.He was born in 1954.He finished his first movie when he was8 years old.After that,Jackie has became a supporting role for many years.But in 1978,he performed Drunken Fist,a movie withcomedy and action.He become famous.Except acctor,Jackie is also a great director.He directedmany famous movies,like Project A,Police story,Miracle .I think he is a talent.In his life,he has won countless prizes.Jackie is not only a great actor but a great man as well.He gave money to charities many times.Jackie said," If I die,I will donate all my money " This is Jackie ,an actor in my eyes.

    我最喜歡的actorJackie Chan,一個著名的演員。他是我最喜歡的演員。他生於1954年。他8歲時完成了他的第一部電影。在那之後,傑姬成為了多年的配角。但在1978年,他表演了一部帶有喜劇和動作片的醉拳。除了原告,傑克還是一位偉大的導演。他導演了很多著名的電影,比如A計劃,警察故事,奇蹟。我認為他是個天才。在他的一生中,他贏得了無數的大獎。傑姬不僅是一個偉大的演員,而且也是一個偉大的人。傑克說:“如果我死了,我會把我所有的錢都捐出去。”這是傑克,在我眼裡是個演員。

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