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    BEN 本

    Ben, the two of us need look no moe本,我們已經不需要尋找更多

    We both found what we were looking for 我們已經找到我們所要的一切

    With a friend to call my own 有位自己真正的朋友

    I"ll never be along 我將永遠不會孤單

    And you, my friend, will see 而你,我的朋友

    You"ve got a friend in me 你會發現你同樣有我這樣的一個朋友

    Ben, you"re always running here and there 本,你總是到處追尋

    You feel you"re not wanted anywhere 感覺你到處碰壁

    If you ever look behind 如果你曾回望一下

    And don"t like what you find 如果你不喜歡你所找到的一切

    There"s one thing you should know 至少有件事你應該知道

    You got a place to go 你仍有一個地方可去……

    I used to say "I" and "Me" 過去,我總是說“我”和“我”

    Now it"s "Us:, Now it"s "We" 現在是“我們”,“我們”


    Ben, most people would turn you away本,好多人把你趕走

    I don"t listen to a word they say 可我一句也不聽他們的!

    They don"t see you as I do 他們看不到我眼中的你

    I wish they would try to 我希望他們有一天能試著這樣去做

    I"m sure they"d think again 那我相信他們會重新斟酌考慮

    If they had a friend like Ben... 如果他們有像本這樣的朋友...

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