extended primitives:擴充套件基本體 extend:美 [ɪk"stend];英 [ɪk"stend] v.擴充套件;延長;擴大;提供 過去分詞:extended 現在分詞:extending 第三人稱單數:extends 例句:
1.Such being the case, we have to ask you to extend the shipment date. 在這種情況下,我們不得不請求你方延長裝運期。
2.I"ll have to ask the bank to extend the repayment time on my loan. 我將不得不請求銀行延長我貸款的還款時間。
3.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days. 我想知道是否可以讓我在這兒多呆兩天。
4.I agree to a chicken egg, extend oneself it seems to me a few more pressing. 我贊成先有雞後有蛋,延續自身在我看來更迫切一些。
5.I began to see an opportunity to extend the project and the workbook idea wasborn. 我開始發現了機會,以擴大該專案,並在工作簿的想法誕生了。
extended primitives:擴充套件基本體 extend:美 [ɪk"stend];英 [ɪk"stend] v.擴充套件;延長;擴大;提供 過去分詞:extended 現在分詞:extending 第三人稱單數:extends 例句:
1.Such being the case, we have to ask you to extend the shipment date. 在這種情況下,我們不得不請求你方延長裝運期。
2.I"ll have to ask the bank to extend the repayment time on my loan. 我將不得不請求銀行延長我貸款的還款時間。
3.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days. 我想知道是否可以讓我在這兒多呆兩天。
4.I agree to a chicken egg, extend oneself it seems to me a few more pressing. 我贊成先有雞後有蛋,延續自身在我看來更迫切一些。
5.I began to see an opportunity to extend the project and the workbook idea wasborn. 我開始發現了機會,以擴大該專案,並在工作簿的想法誕生了。