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    If l Ain’t Got You (Alicia keys)

    some people live for the fortune 有人為財而活

    some people live just for the fame 有人為名而活

    some people live for the power yeah 有人為權而活

    some people live just to play the game 有人為玩而活

    some people think that the physical things 有人為物質而活

    define what"s within 定義內涵

    i"ve been there before 我做過

    but that life"s a bore 但生活無聊要死

    so full of the superficial 充滿膚淺

    some people want it all 有人想得到所有

    but i don"t want nothing at all 但我一無所求

    if it ain"t you baby 如果不是你 baby

    if i ain"t got you baby 如果我沒你

    some people want diamond rings 有人想要鑽戒

    some just want everything 有的什麼都要

    but everything means nothing 但我什麼也不要

    if i ain"t got you 如果我沒有你

    some people search for a fountain 有人尋求

    promises forever young 能永葆青春的噴泉

    some people need three dozen roses 有人要三打玫瑰

    and that"s the only way to prove you love them 像是隻有這樣才能證明你愛她們

    and in a world on a silver platter 在不勞而獲的世界

    and wondering what it means 想明白一切的意味

    no one to share, no one who truly cares for me 沒人分享,沒人真正關心我

    if i ain"t got you with me baby 如果沒有你跟我一起 baby

    nothing in this whole wide world don"t mean a thing 在這個花花世界裡一切毫無意義

    if i ain"t got you with me baby如果沒有你 baby

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