  • 1 # 掉眼淚的冠軍

    不同的公司有不同的FFA定義。 GFI的定義如下:A forward freight agreement (FFA) is an agreement to pay the difference between a pice agreed today and the future price of moving a product from one location to another, or for the future price of hiring a ship over a period of time. Forward freight agreements hedge exposure to freight market risk. FIS定義如下:An agreement made between a buyer and seller today to pay the difference between a price agreed today and the future price of a specific Baltic assessment, i.e. the cost of freight. 通俗來講FFA是買賣雙方達成的一種遠期運費協議,協議規定了具體的航線、價格、數量等等,且雙方約定在未來某一時點,某一方收取或支付依據波羅的海的官方運費指數價格與現在成交價格的差額。

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