  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    《Who Let The Dogs Out》 - Various Artists     Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  When the party was nice the party was jumping  派對很棒,大家都在跳舞(嘿,耶,彝族,喲)  And everybody having a ball  每個人都盡情地玩(哈,哦,耶一喲)  I tell the fellas start the name calling  我開始破口大罵(耶一喲)  And the girls report to the call  女孩們說  The poor dog show down  讓惡狗出來  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  I see ya little speed boat head up our coast  我看見你在海上緩慢地開著小艇  She really want to skip town  她真的想跳出這個城鎮  Get back off me beast off me  我回來了,野獸離開了我  Get back you flea infested monger  回到你跳騷叢生的商人圈裡  Now I tell meh self dem man go get angry  現在我要告訴大家不要生氣(嘿,耶,彝族,喲)  To any girls calling them canine  任何女孩都稱他們是狗(工作犬!!耶,彝族,喲)  Tell the dummy Hey Man It"s part of the Party  告訴他們傀儡也是派對的一員(耶一,喲)  You fetch a women in front and her mans behind  你吸引了你面前的女人,她的男人在後面看著(嘿。)   Her bone runs out now  她快瘋了  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)    Say A doggy is nutting if he don"t have a bone  如果他沒有骨頭小狗就會纏著他   All dogy hold ya bone all doggy hold it  所有的小狗都守護自己的骨頭  A doggy is nutting if he don"t have a bone  如果他沒有骨頭小狗就會纏著他  All dogy hold ya bone all doggy hold it  所有的小狗都守護自己的骨頭  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)

  • 2 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    《Who Let The Dogs Out》 - Various Artists     Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  When the party was nice the party was jumping  派對很棒,大家都在跳舞(嘿,耶,彝族,喲)  And everybody having a ball  每個人都盡情地玩(哈,哦,耶一喲)  I tell the fellas start the name calling  我開始破口大罵(耶一喲)  And the girls report to the call  女孩們說  The poor dog show down  讓惡狗出來  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  I see ya little speed boat head up our coast  我看見你在海上緩慢地開著小艇  She really want to skip town  她真的想跳出這個城鎮  Get back off me beast off me  我回來了,野獸離開了我  Get back you flea infested monger  回到你跳騷叢生的商人圈裡  Now I tell meh self dem man go get angry  現在我要告訴大家不要生氣(嘿,耶,彝族,喲)  To any girls calling them canine  任何女孩都稱他們是狗(工作犬!!耶,彝族,喲)  Tell the dummy Hey Man It"s part of the Party  告訴他們傀儡也是派對的一員(耶一,喲)  You fetch a women in front and her mans behind  你吸引了你面前的女人,她的男人在後面看著(嘿。)   Her bone runs out now  她快瘋了  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)    Say A doggy is nutting if he don"t have a bone  如果他沒有骨頭小狗就會纏著他   All dogy hold ya bone all doggy hold it  所有的小狗都守護自己的骨頭  A doggy is nutting if he don"t have a bone  如果他沒有骨頭小狗就會纏著他  All dogy hold ya bone all doggy hold it  所有的小狗都守護自己的骨頭  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)  Who let the dogs out  誰把狗放出來(汪,汪,汪,汪)

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