  • 1 # 入戲有些深

    . 兩空常填連詞表原因:now that;表讓步:even if / even though表方式:as if / as though / just as表目的:so that / in case表結果:so that定語從句中:介詞 + which表條件:what if表除了:except when/that2. 三空常填連詞表目的:in order that / for fear that表時間:as soon as表條件:as/so long as / on condition that特別注意:no matter how + adj./ no matter what + n.3. 兩空常填介詞表原因:because of/ due to/ owing to/表讓步:regardless of 表遞進:apart from表相反:instead of/ rather than表除了:except for / other than 4. 三空常填介詞表讓步:in spite of表遞進:in addition to5. 兩空常填情態動詞 have to / had better / would rather / ought to / may/might (as) well精銳老師祝你學習進步

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 鳥類對人類的好處?