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    Today, the teacher showed us" the lion king", I was very moved, I learned a lot of truth, to be brave, strong, do not learn the scar bully children." The lion king" of the film, the general content is: Simba"s father is the king of animals, as long as there is a bright place is full of Simba"s father, dark place no animal control, the hyena, and a lion called scar, it does not become the king of beasts, want to be black dark place when the king of beasts. Scar into the darkness, where coyotes are hungry, scar, said: "if you listen to me, I can "t let you starve." The scar will become the. The scar of heart has gone bad, scar sent three hyenas, the recovery of cattle run forward, when Simba is there, Bixinba cattle run fast, run to the tree Simba, Simba "s father quickly to save Simba, Simba"s father quickly turned into a stone Simba, Simba"s father into the running bull intermediate, Simba"s father came back, but do not let the scar, Simba"s father pull it up, can"t put the Simba"s father up, with his hand, let Simba"s father fell into the herd, Simba"s father was cattle trampled to death scar: Simba said," run away." Simba runs to a forest, he found the two friend, Simba, and the two friends have been playing to large, over a period of time, there is a lion to persuade him, new you hurry back, or we will not starve to death, he went to the scar, it hit a battle, Xin Ba win. Simba was very brave, smart, strong, very


    story is very nice, I like Simba, Simba. As the difficulties encountered when not afraid, be strong and courageous, do not like the scar as evil, this film is very good, I like.

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