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    computer literacyun.計算機認字計算機文化;電腦知識;電腦素養例句1.She said it was also important for students to develop their computer literacy skills.她說提高學生的計算機使用能力也很重要。2.Computer Literacy A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.具電腦理解和應用知識。3.Computer literacy: refer to those people who have sufficient knowledge and skill in the use of computers and computer software.計算機文化人:指那些具備使用計算機和計算機軟體足夠知識和技能的人。4.Overall computer literacy A larger population of users can "program. "全面的計算機知識大量使用者可以“程式設計”。5.In addition, 350 teachers received training in intermediate computer literacy.此外,350位教師獲得中級計算機能力培訓。

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