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    翻譯成:What is the material made of?be made of 意思是由…所組成;由…造成


    1、what material is this shirt made of?這些襯衫是由什麼材料製成的?

    2、what material is the desk made of?這張桌子是由什麼材料製成的?

    The desk is made of wood. 這張桌子是由木頭製成的。

    3、what material is the paper made of?這種紙是由什麼材料製成的?

    This paper is made from wood. 這種紙是由樹木製成的。


    1.be made of 由材料製成構成組成

    2.be e made of 由……製成

    3.be mainly made of 主要由


    be made of和be made from的用法:

    be made of 和be made from都是"由……製成"的意思。如果製成的東西還看得出是什麼原料做的,就用of,如果已看不出是用什麼原料做的,則應用from。

    一、be made of :指能看得出來啥做的,比如桌子是木頭做的,電話是塑膠做的等等;

    This kind of cloth is made of wool. 這種布料是羊毛的。

    All the furniture is made of wood. 所有的傢俱都是木頭做的。

    二、be made from :看不出原材料,由from比of讀音響亮,可以理解為 from 比 of 更強調“啥做的”;

    The cake is made from flour, butter, sugar and eggs. 蛋糕是由麵粉、黃油、蔗糖和雞蛋做的。

    This kind of towel is made of bamboo. 這種毛巾是竹子製作的。

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