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    這個問題出在英文字身有"bug", 加上國內教學有片面之嫌。

    a pair of, a set of, a couple of等等,謂語動詞可以單數也可以複數,並不是必須單數, 這取決於主語是否被當作一個整體來看。 如果是一個整體:a pair of trousers, a pair of shoes , 那謂語用單數, 如果是2個分開的“一對”, 比如 a pair of dogs, a pair of papers(論文)謂語動詞用複數。

    外國語法對此問題的結論:There"s no definitive right or wrong choice. You simple choose the verb that best reflects the singleness or plurality of your subject—does the pair seem more like one thing (a unit) or two separate things?

    其次, 在a pair of, a set of等等之後的代詞,一般用複數, 也就是你截圖裡的2處代詞。

    以下是一段英文語法對此問題的解釋:But note that any succeeding verbs and pronouns would normally agree with the second noun rather than pair –.

    例句: A good pair of shoes is hard to find nowadays, but I found these in High Street last Saturday – and they weren’t that expensive.

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