  • 1 # 我家貓咪叫年年

    1、 在回答must開頭的一般疑問句時,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn"t或don"t have

    to. 如:

    1)―Must I finish my homework before eight o"clock? ―Yes, you must.

    2)―Must I attend the meeting?

    ―No, you needn"t(No, you don"t have to). You can ask Tom to go instead.

    2、在回答may開頭的一般疑問句時,肯定回答用may,否定回答用mustn"t. 如:

    1)―May I watch TV after supper? ―Yes, you may. / No, you mustn"t.

    2)―May I stop here? ―No, you mustn"t.

    3、在回答need開頭的一般疑問句時,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn"t. 如:

    1)―Need we stay behind after school? ―Yes, you must.

    2)―Need he go now? ―No, he needn"t.

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