  • 1 # 阿炮摸地板

    Justin Bieber loves Latin girl and he declares it in his newly-leaked song "Latin Girl"。 This fist-pumping track reportedly is dedicated to either Jasmine Villegas or Selena Gomez。 Both female singers have been romantically linked to him。 The former has shared screen with him in more than one music video and also has been spotted kissing him in a car and vacationing with him in Hawaii。 The latter, meanwhile, was rumored to have spent Thanksgiving with him。 賈斯汀比伯愛拉丁女孩並在他最新洩露的新歌“拉丁女孩”中說了出來。這首歌據說是獻給Jasmine Villegas和Selena Gomez的。 這兩位女歌手都和他有過浪漫的聯絡。前者和他合作了不止一個音樂錄影帶而且同樣被拍到在車的後座和他接吻還和他一起到夏威夷度假。後者,被傳和他一起度過了感恩節。"I was on the beach, yeah/ I was on vacation/ I was doing nothing/ I was just sittin" patient/ Then you walked by," Bieber sings。 "You caught my eye/ I said, "Who"s this girl? She"s lookin" superfly"/ Hey, miss beautiful, I"ve never seen you before/ And I would like to be the one to show you I am cool and all/ Hey, little momma, what you got on ya/ Looking so good that I just want to telephone her。 " “我在沙灘上,耶/我正放假/我什麼也沒做/我只是耐心地坐著/然後你走了過來”比伯唱到。“你吸引了我的眼球/我說,那女孩是誰?她看上去棒極了/嘿 美麗小姐 我從未見過你/而且我很希望成為向你展示我很酷和我的一切的人 嘿 小美眉 知道你有什麼嗎/看上去棒極了 我想要她的號碼。 ”It"s unclear whether or not the electro-tinged dance track is recorded for Bieber"s next studio installment。 One thing for sure, this song is a bit racier than his usually innocent lyrics。 "She"s my Latin girl/ Oh she tried to fight it/ But she know she likes it,” he teases

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