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    queen of my heart 英文


    So here we stand

    In our secret place

    With a sound of the crowd

    So far away…

    And you take my hand

    And it feels like home

    We both understand…it’s where we belong

    So how do I say?

    Do I say goodbye?

    We both have our dreams

    We both wanna fly…

    So lets take tonight…

    To carry us through…

    The lonely times…

    Chorus – All:

    I’ll always look back

    As I walk away

    This memory will last…for eternity

    And all of our tears

    Will be lost in the rain…

    When I’ve found my way back…to your arms again

    But until that day…

    …You…know you are…

    the queen of my heart


    Queen of my heart


    So lets take tonight

    And never let go

    While dancing we’ll kiss

    Like there’s…no tomorrow…

    As the stars sparkle down

    Like a diamond ring

    I’ll treasure this moment…till we meet again

    Mark (all):

    But no matter how far (matter how far)

    Or where you may be (where you may be)

    I just close my eyes…(I just close my eyes)…and you’re in my dreams

    And there you will be

    Until we meet

    Chorus x2

    Shane (all)


    You’re the queen of my heart… (Of…my heart…)

    No matter how many years it takes… (Queen of my heart)

    I’ll give it all to you…

    Oh yea… (Queen of my heart…) oh yes you are…

    The queen of my heart…



    你執起我的手 帶給我家的溫暖

    我們都知道 承諾一生就是你我的歸宿

    可是該如何歸你說 該如何向你告別

    雖然你我都有未曾實現的夢想 雖然你我都想要展翅高飛

    就讓這個夜晚 撫慰你我


    當我離開時 一定會回頭深望著你



    當我循著記憶的軌跡 回到你的懷抱

    知道那一天 你就會真正明瞭 你是



    緊緊擁抱今晚吧 千萬不要放手

    利用這支舞 與你像是沒有明天似的擁吻著

    夜空閃爍的星辰 就是對你承諾的鑽石戒指

    我要珍藏這一刻 直到你我再相逢


    我只要閉上眼睛 你就出現在我的夢境

    請在那兒守候著我 直到你我再相逢

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