  • 1 # 凱凱的自律之路

    You’ve got the words to change a nation but you’re biting your tongue你已有足以改變世界的言辭,而你卻緘默不語

    You’ve spent a lifetime stuck in silence afraid you’d say something wrong你已沉默了一輩子,生怕自己說錯了什麼

    If no one ever hears it, how we gonna learn your song?如果無人曾聽過,我們又如何去學你的歌

    So come on come on, come on come on所以站出來吧

    You’ve got a heart as loud as lions so why let your voice be tamed?你有著群獅齊吼般的心,那為何要讓你的聲音變得如此溫順?

    Maybe we’re a little different, there’s no need to be ashamed或許我們有些許不同,可這根本不值得害臊

    You’ve got the light to fight the shadows so stop hiding it away你已有了驅散陰暗的明燈,別再躲躲藏藏

    Come on, come on所以站出來吧

    Chorus:Yes I wanna sing我想要放聲歌唱

    I wanna shout我想要振聲高呼

    I wanna scream till the words dry out直到嘶聲力竭,直到詞窮

    So put it in all of the papers, I’m not afraid所以就用白紙黑字寫出來吧,我從不懼怕

    They can read all about it, read all about it oh他們會讀懂這一切,他們會讀懂這一切

    Oh ohhh ohOhhh ohhh ohOhhh oh ohAt night we’re waking up the neighbours while we sing away the blues


    Making sure that we allremember yeah, cause we all matter too請確信我們都銘記著,因為我們緊緊相連

    If the truth has been forbidden, then we’re breaking all the rules如果真相被禁錮了,那就由我們去打破法則

    So come on come on, come on come on所以站出來吧

    Let’s get the TV and the radio to play our tune again,讓電視和收音機都播放我們的旋律吧

    It’s about time wehave some airplay of our version of events是時候去電臺播出事件的真相了

    There’s no need to be afraid, I will sing with you my friend無需害怕,我與你並肩歌唱

    Come on come on所以站出來吧

    (Repeat Chorus)Yeah we’re all wonderful, wonderful people我們都是了不起的人So when did we all get so fearful?


    ?And now we’re finally finding our voices現在我們終於找回了自己的聲音So take a chance come help me sing this


    Yes we’re all wonderful, wonderful people我們都是了不起的人So when did we all get so fearful?


    And now we’re finally finding our voices現在我們終於找回了自己的聲音

    So take a chance come help me sing this只需把握機會同我一起高歌

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 《都挺好》中一開始讓人討厭的蘇明成越來越受同情,是郭京飛的演技還是角色有可憐點?