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      戰神阿瑞斯(Ares):   阿瑞斯是希臘奧林珀斯十二主神之一,羅馬名字瑪爾斯(Mars),九   大行星中的火星。他是宙斯與赫拉的兒子。他司職戰爭,形象英俊,性   格強暴好鬥,十分喜歡打仗,而且勇猛頑強,是力量與權力的象徵,好   鬥與屠殺的戰神。但他同時是嗜殺、血腥,人類禍災的化身。  戰神,希臘神話中宇宙全能之神宙斯的兒子,殘忍暴躁。是雅典娜的哥哥,但兄妹一向不合。是火星的守護神。英語中火星即為Mars   阿瑞斯:(羅馬又稱瑪爾斯Mars)Ares ,戰神阿瑞斯,古希臘的神只,掌管戰爭與瘟疫.在羅馬神話裡面,相當於馬斯(Mars, 火星).   宇宙深處。銀河之中。一個神秘的紅色天體,叫“火星”。  在人類長期對宏觀天宇的探索中,這顆神秘星球很快便佔據了人類對宇宙無限遐想的中心位置。 後人評價  大約4000年前,古埃及人稱她為“紅色之星”;而古巴比倫人則稱這顆“紅色之星”為“死亡之星”;古希臘人和古羅馬人好像對火星也沒有好感,認為自己在地球上的一舉一動總是被火星上的“人”監視著,所以為她取了一個不太友善的名字:Mars,即古羅馬戰神的名字,甚至把她視為“星際大戰”的恐怖星球。火星的英文名是Mars,這是羅馬神話中戰神的名字,在希臘神話中他的名字叫阿瑞斯。他的形象在這兩種神話中完全不同。希臘神話裡,他極其易怒,是個只懂得用暴力解決問題,頭腦簡單,四肢發達的傢伙。人緣和“神緣”都不怎麼樣,除了他的情人阿弗洛狄忒(羅馬神話中的維納斯)之外,幾乎誰都不喜歡他。而在羅馬神話裡,他不但驍勇善戰,甚至成了羅馬人的祖先。大家都知道那座矗立在羅馬城內的那座狼喂孩子的雕像吧,那兩個孩子的親生父親就是這位偉大的戰神馬爾斯,由此可知戰神的形象在古代羅馬人的心目中有多高大。 英文  Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. Mars is also known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance when seen from Earth. The prefix areo-, from the Greek god of war, Ares, refers to Mars in the same way geo- refers to Earth.   Until the first flyby of Mars by Mariner 4 in 1965, it was thought that Mars had channels of liquid water. Observations later showed that these channels do not exist. Still, of all the planets in our solar system other than Earth, Mars is the most likely to harbor liquid water, and perhaps life. Its rotational period and seasonal cycles are also similar to those of the Earth. It has the highest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons, the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, and polar ice caps.   Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and oddly-shaped. These may be captured asteroids similar to 5261 Eureka, a Mars trojan asteroid. Mars can be seen from Earth by the naked eye. Its apparent magnitude reaches -2.9, a brightness surpassed only by Venus, the Moon, and the Sun. For much of the year, Jupiter may appear brighter to the naked eye than Mars.   Mars is currently host to four orbiting spacecraft, more than any planet other than Earth. It is also home to the two Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.

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