  • 1 # 以來就上山

    the blue sky 或者 an azure sky 看以下例句White clouds and an azure sky melded.白雲與藍天融為一體。Patches of blue in a cloudy sky雲海中露出的幾塊藍天The blue sky belongs equally to us all.藍天為人所共有。The eagle opened out its and flew high up into the sky.雄鷹展翅高飛入藍天。Mountains vie with one another in lifting themselves to the blue heavens above.群山聳入藍天比高低。birds flew zigzag across the blue sky.鳥兒們在藍天裡交錯穿梭。The sun glare out of the blue sky.太陽從藍天中發出耀眼的光。The grey clouds gradually gave way to a blue.烏雲漸漸散去,露出了藍天。And oh ye high flown quills that soar the skies.啊,翱翔藍天展翅高飛的羽翼。She lies on the grass, contemplates the high, blue sky她躺在草地上,凝視著高高的藍天

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