  • 1 # Mnbcxs

    馬踏飛燕Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow"Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow" is an archaeological find in Donghan Dynastry, which is designated as the Chinese travelling graph sign by the National Travel Agency. People often mistake it as a modelling of a ranning horse and flying swallow. By analyzing the historical background, this article reveals that"Galloping Horse Tready on a Flying Swallow" is a specific expression of dragon worship in Han dynasty, and also a portrayal of the coordinated dragon and phoenix culture in that ti... “馬踏飛燕”是件屬於東漢時期的出土文物,現被國家旅遊局定為中國旅遊圖形標誌。人們往往從其具體形象上認定它是奔馬和飛燕的造型。透過分析其歷史背景,揭示出它是漢代崇龍文化的具體表現,也是漢代龍鳳文化進入和諧的時代寫照。其馬不是馬,而是馬龍;飛燕也不是燕子,而是鳳。將“馬踏飛燕”作為中國旅遊圖形標誌,既體現了中國旅遊文化的深厚底蘊,又寓意著事業的龍馬精神。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 龍且也是“一代戰神”,那他為何會輸給韓信呢?