它標誌著這一場虎口脫險,令世人稱奇的美國式勝利? Does it mark an astonishing American victory, snatched from the jaws of defeat?薩爾瓦多領事館接見了一些虎口脫險的移民,並確定還有50人仍然被綁架。 The Salvadoran consulate, which interviewed the migrants who escaped, believes fifty were kidnapped.白虎成功轉移目標,哈維爾虎口脫險, 而那隻充氣虎鯨可就沒那麼幸運了。 With the tiger safely distracted by the toy , Harwell has had a lucky escape - unlike the killer whale.最近,上百隻貓咪就在他們的幫助下虎口脫險,但是還有更多的貓咪繼續被關在籠子裡。 In one recent case, hundreds of cats escaped after their cages were opened, though hundreds more remained penned in the vehicle.悲劇千鈞一髮之時,黛安娜女神把艾米西斯特變成了一顆金光閃閃純白水晶雕像,艾米西斯特也因此而虎口脫險。 Seeing what was about to happen, Diana transformed Amethyst into a glimmering pure white Quartz statue thus protecting her from the ferocious tigers.從德里的冒牌司機手上虎口脫險後,我在溫達文好好休息了兩天,恢復後就前往南非的德班。 I spent two days in Vrindavan recuperating from the close call I"d had atthe hands of a bogus taxi driver in Delhi, and then traveled to Durban,South Africa.
它標誌著這一場虎口脫險,令世人稱奇的美國式勝利? Does it mark an astonishing American victory, snatched from the jaws of defeat?薩爾瓦多領事館接見了一些虎口脫險的移民,並確定還有50人仍然被綁架。 The Salvadoran consulate, which interviewed the migrants who escaped, believes fifty were kidnapped.白虎成功轉移目標,哈維爾虎口脫險, 而那隻充氣虎鯨可就沒那麼幸運了。 With the tiger safely distracted by the toy , Harwell has had a lucky escape - unlike the killer whale.最近,上百隻貓咪就在他們的幫助下虎口脫險,但是還有更多的貓咪繼續被關在籠子裡。 In one recent case, hundreds of cats escaped after their cages were opened, though hundreds more remained penned in the vehicle.悲劇千鈞一髮之時,黛安娜女神把艾米西斯特變成了一顆金光閃閃純白水晶雕像,艾米西斯特也因此而虎口脫險。 Seeing what was about to happen, Diana transformed Amethyst into a glimmering pure white Quartz statue thus protecting her from the ferocious tigers.從德里的冒牌司機手上虎口脫險後,我在溫達文好好休息了兩天,恢復後就前往南非的德班。 I spent two days in Vrindavan recuperating from the close call I"d had atthe hands of a bogus taxi driver in Delhi, and then traveled to Durban,South Africa.