  • 1 # Abnnjhg

      n.節日;慶祝,紀念活動;歡樂  作為名詞,前面可以用如下一些介詞  They are gathering flowers for the festival.  他們正在採集節日用花.  The attendants at the festival was averaged at about one hundred persons.  參加節慶的人大約有百人之眾.  At a feudal festival,Aleck provided a feast for all of his classmates at home.  在一個封建的節日,亞力克在家裡為所有的同學準備了一次宴會.  In this special festival,I bless you!  在這個特殊的節日裡我祝福你!  I have recently agreed with my student partner that she will move into my flatduring the Edinburgh Festival so that she can sublet her room and pay for her halfof our holiday together.  我最近答應我的學生助手,在愛丁堡節期間,她可以搬入我的公寓.這樣,她可以轉租她的房間並和我一起支付我們的假期花費中她的那部分.  Throughout the festival activities during all the men and women merely to touchthe milk,there is no other.  不過,整個節日活動始終,男人和女人只限於摸奶這件事,而沒有別的.  During the festival,ancestors are celebrated and thanked for the blessing of theannual bounty.  在節日中,人們會祭奠祖先並感謝他們在這一年的給的慷慨恩賜.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 迫於家庭壓力,未能和心愛的人結婚,以後日子過得就一定不會幸福嗎?