  • 1 # 小城大事會

    Sunday, my mather and I went to the mall for shopping . 週末,我和媽媽去商場購物.12

    That was a fine day.那是很晴朗的一天.5

    First of all , we bought some fruit .首先我們買了些水果.7

    Then,we bought some fresh vegetable.後來我們買了些新鮮的蔬菜.6

    When we wanted to buy the fish we meet an old friend .當我們想去買魚的時候,看見了一個老朋友.12

    She was my best friend when we were students.在我們都是小學生的時候,她是我最好的朋友.9

    We talked about our new school life .我們談論了新學校的生活.7

    Then we said goodbye to each other . 然後我們對對方說再見.7

    Finally my mother and I went home by bus .最後我和媽媽乘車回家.9

    We all were so happy.我們都很開心.5

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