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    “消防員”的英語單詞是:firemen。;別擔心,他很快會不喜歡當消防員了。 ;Don"t worry, he"ll soon grow out of wanting to be a fireman.;消防員跟大火搏鬥了幾個小時,才把火勢控制住。 The firemen battled against the flames for several hours before keeping them under.;消防員破門而入衝向孩子們。 The fireman smashed the door down to reach the children.;受過嚴格訓練的消防員可以輕而易舉地越過這道高牆。 The well-trained fireman can get over this tall wall easily.;你想當一個消防員嗎?;Would you like to be a fireman?;是的,我是一個消防員。Yes, I`m a fireman.;我要做消防員。I`m going to be a fireman!;我想要做一名消防員。I want to be a firefighter.;我想當一名消防員。I would like to be a firefighter.;我想當一名消防員。;I want to be a firefighter!

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