  • 1 # 漢室宗親丿

    always常常; 總是,老是; 永遠,始終; 不斷地例句:

    1.Whenever I get into a relationship, I always fall madly in love.我每次談戀愛都深陷其中,無法自拔。

    2.She"s always late for everything.她事事都遲到。

    3.We"ve always done it this way.我們一直是這麼做的。

    4.She"s going to be fine. She always was pretty strong.她會好的。她一直都很強壯。

    5.You always were a good friend.你從來都是我的好朋友。usually通常,經常,平常,慣常地; 一直,向來; 動不動,一般例句:1.The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there.關於酒店的最可靠資訊通常來自曾經去過那裡的朋友和熟人。2.My colleagues at the office and I usually have a little confab for a few minutes every morning.我和辦公室的同事通常每天早上都要閒談幾分鐘。www.fortunechina.com3.They ate, as they usually did, in the kitchen.像平常一樣,他們是在廚房吃的飯。4.Offering only one loan, usually an installment loan, is part of the plan.計劃的一部分是隻提供一筆貸款,通常是分期付款貸款。5.She felt more than usually hungry after her excursion.遠足後,她比平時感覺更餓。never從不,從來沒有; 一點也不,決不; 不會…吧,沒有; 不曾例句:1.I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens.我十幾歲時增加的體重一直沒有減下去。2.That was a mistake. We"ll never do it again.那是個錯誤,我們永遠不會再犯了。3.He was never really healthy.他從來就沒有真正健康過。4.This is never to happen again.再也不會發生這樣的事了。5.I would never do anything to hurt him.我決不會做任何傷害他的事情。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你見過一個女人最可怕的樣子是什麼時候?