  • 1 # 尤小美

    Well the boys "round here don"t listen to The Beatles


    Run ole Bocephus through a jukebox needle at a honky-tonk


    where their boots stomp All night; what? (That"s right)

    他們還跳一整晚的舞 真的嗎 (沒有錯)

    Yeah, and what they call work, digging in the dirt


    Gotta get it in the ground "fore the rain come down


    To get paid, to get the girl In your 4 wheel drive

    才能賺到錢 才能開車追女孩

    Yeah the boys "round here Drinking that ice cold beer

    耶 這裡的男孩 都喝冰鎮啤酒

    Talkin" "bout girls, talkin" "bout trucks

    談論著女孩 談論著卡車

    Runnin" them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust

    那那紅土泥地上飛馳 揚起滾滾灰塵

    The boys "round here sending up a prayer to the man upstairs

    這裡的男孩 都信奉上帝 愛做禱告

    Backwoods legit, don"t take no sh*t

    身處窮鄉僻壤 但絲毫不在意

    Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit

    嚼著菸草 嚼著菸草 嚼著菸草 再吐出來

    Red red red red red red redneck

    鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉巴佬

    Well the boys "round here, they"re keeping it country

    這裡的男孩 大家都很鄉村

    Ain"t a damn one know how to do the dougie


    (You don"t do the dougie?) No, not in Kentucky

    你不會跳道基舞 Kentucky的人都不會

    But these girls "round here yep, they still love me

    但是這兒的女孩 她們依然愛我

    Yea, the girls "round here, they all deserve a whistle

    這裡的女孩 讓你想對她們吹口哨

    Shakin" that sugar, sweet as Dixie crystal

    擺起小蠻腰 甜美得好似糖果

    They like that y"all and southern drawl


    And just can"t help it cause they just keep fallin"

    而且情不自禁的 她們都愛上了

    For the boys "round here Drinking that ice cold beer

    這裡的男孩 都喝冰鎮啤酒

    Talkin" "bout girls, talkin" "bout trucks

    談論著女孩 談論著卡車

    Runnin" them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust

    那那紅土泥地上飛馳 揚起滾滾灰塵

    The boys "round here sending up a prayer to the man upstairs

    這裡的男孩 都信奉上帝 愛做禱告

    Backwoods legit, don"t take no sh*t

    身處窮鄉僻壤 但絲毫不在意

    Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit

    嚼著菸草 嚼著菸草 嚼著菸草 再吐出來

    Let me hear you say


    (Ooh let"s ride)

    (Ooh let"s ride)

    Down to the river side

    噢 上車吧 到那河邊

    (Ooh let"s ride…)

    Hey now girl, hop inside

    女孩 快點 快跳上來

    Me and you gonna take a little ride to the river


    Let"s ride


    Lay a blanket on the ground


    Kissing and the crickets is the only sound

    我們親吻 周圍只有蟋蟀的聲音

    We out of town


    Have you ever got down with a…


    Red red red red red red redneck

    鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉巴佬跳過舞

    And do you wanna get down with a…


    Red red red red red red redneck

    鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉巴佬跳個舞

    Girl you gotta get down


    I"m one of the boys "round here


    Drinking that ice cold beer


    Talkin" "bout girls, talkin" "bout trucks

    談論著女孩 談論著卡車

    Runnin" them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust

    那那紅土泥地上飛馳 揚起滾滾灰塵

    The boys "round here sending up a prayer to the man upstairs

    這裡的男孩 都信奉上帝 愛做禱告

    Backwoods legit, don"t take no sh*t

    身處窮鄉僻壤 但絲毫不在意

    Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit

    嚼著菸草 嚼著菸草 嚼著菸草 再吐出來

    (Ooh let"s ride)

    Red red red red red red redneck

    鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉巴佬跳過舞

    (Ooh let"s ride)

    I"m one of them boys "round here


    (Ooh let"s ride)

    Red red red red red red redneck

    鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉 鄉巴佬跳過舞

    (Ooh let"s ride)

    (Ooh let"s ride…)

    Well all I"m thinkin" "bout is you and me, how we"ll be


    So come on girl, hop inside

    所以女孩, 快跳上來

    Me and you, we"re gonna take a little ride


    Lay a blanket on the ground


    Kissing and the crickets is the only sound

    我們親吻 周圍只有蟋蟀的聲音

    We out of town


    Girl you gotta get down with a…


    Come on through the country side


    Down to the river side


  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 有什麼想法和心態的人,才能和一個自己不喜歡的人結婚?