  • 1 # 使用者8201481786170


    陳述句----There needs someone to go with me

    反意疑問句----There needs someone to go with me, doesn"t there?

    一般疑問句----Does there need anyone to go with you?

    否定句-----There doesn"t need anyone to go with me.


    沒有肯定句-----There need someone go with me.

    一般疑問句-----Need there anyone go with you?

    否定句-----There needn"t anyone go with me.

    反意疑問句------There needn"t anyone go with me,need there?

    There be 句型裡need用法


    There needs to be someone to help her,(doesn"t there?)

    Does there need to be anyone to help her?

    There doesn"t need to be anyone to help her,(does there?)


    沒有肯定句:There need be someone to help her

    Need there be anyone to help her?

    There needn"t be anyone to help her,(need there?)

    朋友你的想法很有創意,現實生活中,實在很少用到There need to be / There need be 這樣的句型。Anyway, they are written out for your reference. Wish you a good time with them.

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